Fracture Liaison Service Database
Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP)
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FFFAP - Fracture Liaison Service Database - Useful links

Below is a series of useful links intended to help with the delivery of the FLS audit.
I you have any questions or suggestion for addition links please contact the Royal College of Physicians using the following details.

Phone: 020 3075 1511 /1266
9am-5pm, Monday to Friday

RCP FFFAP Program website

FFFAP landing page
For access to audits across the programme, including FLS-DB, National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD) and National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF). As well as the public facing runcharts for NHFD and FLS-DB.

Using public charts
A how to video on getting the most out of the FLS-DB public run charts.

Using internal charts
A how to guide on getting the most out of your data and how to export your data from the FLS-DB.

Improvement repository
A source of information on improvement for services, including case studies grouped by key performance indicators of the FLS-DB. 

The animation and leaflet
‘Strong bones after 50’ is an animation and leaflet aimed at patients and carers. Providing information about bone health and fracture prevention. 

ROS tools and resources
Tools and resources including clinical guidance, service development, information for patients and awareness and sign posting. 

Bone health care and FLS letters
The bone health card is aimed at patients who have been seen by an FLS and empowers them with the language when raising concerns over medication. The overall aim to help people stay on osteoporosis treatment.
The FLS letters compliment the card as they have been aligned to the ROS FLS clinical standards for GP and patient communication, ensuring all key areas of care and lifestyle are covered.